W.K. Kellogg Health Sciences Library

Please contact kellogg.library@dal.ca for general assistance or consult this list of services:



Key Resources

Health Sciences resources

  • Pub Med, CINAHL, e-journals, evidence-based resources and more.

Subject Guides for all disciplines

  • Our best research resources assembled by Dalhousie subject librarians


Head, W.K. Kellogg Health Sciences Library: Melissa Helwig
Library staff contacts

Phone numbers

  • Access Services: 902-494-2479
  • Reference Desk: 902-717-5244
  • Document Delivery: 902-494-2469
  • Administration: 902-494-2458
  • Fax: 902-494-3750

Contact the Kellogg Library

Map to library locations

Services unique to the Kellogg Library

  • Literature Search Services
  • Services for Health Sciences Faculty, retired Dal faculty, medical residents, regional health practitioners, international health professionals and Dal alumni
  • New Acquisitions

    Suggest a purchase for our collections


    Unique to Kellogg Health Sciences Library

  • Dr Charles Cogswell’s Medical Library, 1864
  • The Kellogg library has permission to hang Artist Robert Pope’s painting “Hug.” Read more about Pope’s work of art.