Library Guidelines
Code of Conduct
Dalhousie Libraries provide spaces that support learning while protecting collections for the use of students, faculty, staff, and the public. Our Code of Conduct ensures that all users can enjoy a respectful and productive environment. It aligns with Dalhousie University’s Student Code of Conduct and applies to all library users.
Rights of Library Users
All users are entitled to:
- Be treated with courtesy and respect.
- Have equitable access to materials while respecting licensing agreements and intellectual property regulations.
- Receive timely and accurate assistance, instruction, or referrals in response to their information needs.
- Have personal or confidential information handled with discretion.
- Obtain clear information about library policies, regulations, and appeal procedures.
- Provide feedback on policies and suggest changes.
- Participate in collection development by suggesting titles for purchase.
- Expect efficient and fair administrative practices that ensure equitable access to resources and services.
- Work in clean, safe, and appropriately quiet surroundings.
Responsibilities of Library Users
All users are expected to:
- Treat others, including library staff, with courtesy and respect.
- Maintain a clean, safe, and appropriately quiet environment.
- Follow Dalhousie's scent-free policy: do not wear perfume, cologne, aftershave and other fragrances.
- Ensure that library collections, materials, and facilities remain available and usable for others.
- Refrain from damaging or tampering with library materials, whether physical or digital.
- Adhere to the University’s Code of Conduct and related university policies.
Study Spaces & Learning Commons
Computer Access
Computers in the Learning Commons are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Dalhousie Community Access: Users with valid Dalhousie credentials may log in to any Learning Commons computer using their Dalhousie username and password.
- Public Access: Members of the public may use express computers located throughout the libraries and Learning Commons. These computers are intended for brief (10–15 minute) work periods. During peak times, Dalhousie users receive priority access.
Group Study Rooms
Group study rooms provide space for collaborative work for groups of 3 to 6 people. These rooms are not soundproof, and conversations should not disrupt others.
Booking Guidelines
- Dalhousie students can book study rooms online or in person at Help Desks.
- Bookings can be made up to one week in advance.
- Phone bookings are not accepted.
- Upon arrival, users must confirm their booking by presenting a valid Dalhousie ID at the Help Desk.
- Bookings will be cancelled if users do not arrive within 15 minutes of their scheduled time.
Group Study Etiquette
- Be mindful of your booking time and leave promptly to accommodate the next users.
- Cancel your reservation if you no longer need the room.
- Clean up any clutter before leaving.
- Only use dry-erase markers on whiteboards and return them to the Help Desk before leaving.
Quiet & Conversation-Friendly Spaces
Dalhousie Libraries offer designated areas for both quiet and collaborative work. Library staff and users should respect these spaces and minimize disruptions.
Zone Guidelines
Silent Study Areas:
- No talking.
- Headphones must be used with all devices.
- Phones must be on silent. Calls must be taken outside the area.
Quiet Study Areas:
- Quiet conversation is allowed.
- Headphones must be used with all devices.
- Phones must be on silent. Calls must be taken outside the area.
Conversation-Friendly Areas:
- Talking and group work are permitted.
- Headphones must be used with all devices.
- Phones must be on silent.
Users are asked to respect others' needs for quiet. If an unintended disruption occurs, please move to a more suitable area.
Thank you for helping us maintain a welcoming and productive library environment.