Document Delivery

The Dalhousie Document Delivery Service supports Dalhousie faculty, students, staff and affiliated individuals by borrowing or providing access to books, articles and other materials needed for their teaching, learning or research. In addition, Dalhousie Libraries fully cooperate with libraries and institutions worldwide in an international interlibrary loan resource sharing service.

Distance Services for Dalhousie Students, Faculty & Staff

Living outside of the Halifax Regional Municipality for an extended period of time? Take advantage of our document delivery distance services.

6 Minute Video "How To" Tutorial: Document Delivery for Dalhousie Distance Students

Information about charges, delivery times, pickup, renewal etc.

Interlibrary Lending

Information for other libraries, institutions or corporations on how they can obtain materials held at Dalhousie libraries.

Contact Document Delivery

If you have any questions regarding document delivery please contact the Department.