GIS Centre




GIS Centre
Fifth Floor, Killam Memorial Library
Dalhousie University
6225 University Avenue
PO Box 15000
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
B3H 4R2

Contact Us

GIS Geographer:
James Boxall 

GIS Analyst:
Jennifer Strang

Faculty Associates:

GIS Centre Services

Map Collection

The GIS Centre manages Atlantic Canada's largest holdings of paper maps and atlases. 

Atlases are in the GIS Centre on the 5th floor of the Killam Library. Other materials are available by advance request to the Map Curator.

Getting Help with ArcGIS

The GISciences Centre has created a self help section and a glossary of GIS terms on our website providing help with most common tools, tips and tricks, how to make a map and more.   

The GIS Centre has a NEW One-Stop Shop - the GIS Dashboard for accessing GIS Web Applications for Dalhousie.  These services include:

  • Spatial Data Portal (Online Data Download)
  • Role Request form (to allow users to access ArcGIS Online)
  • Access to Dalhousie's ArcGIS Online
  • Online Learning Resources

ArcGIS geospatial data acquisition and distribution

The GISciences Centre has licenses for a variety of geospatial datasets and can provide you with geospatial data most suitable to your needs. Our frequently-requested data sets and an overview of the types of data that is available can be found here:

Geospatial data analysis

Assistance in data manipulation, extraction and analysis from a variety of data resources.

Cartographic Consulting

We can work with you to help produce customized maps using your own datasets for inclusion in theses or journal publications for the Dalhousie community.

Project planning and development

Assistance in project development and implementation for thesis work, dissertations and faculty research projects.

Software training

Providing training for GIS and spatial analysis software to facilitate its understanding and use.

Customized training

The Centre offers customized one-on-one, group or class training in using the software and data resources that you require. Contact us to set up an appointment.


GIS software, scanners, plotters and printers available in the Centre and across Dalhousie Libraries.

Further resources

Helpful outside links to maps, GIS software, and other data resources.