Records Management

Welcome to Dalhousie Records Management

We provide tools and advice on how to manage administrative records of Dalhousie University. The University Records Management Policy was approved by Dalhousie President Richard Florizone on November 29, 2016. This policy outlines the responsibility of all Dalhousie staff in relation to the management of administrative records created on behalf of the University.

University records are important assets of Dalhousie University and are defined as information—regardless of format or medium—that is created, received and maintained by the university and provides evidence of its transactions or activities.

These records are to be managed within a records management framework that supports information governance throughout a record’s life cycle, from its creation or receipt, maintenance and use, to its ultimate disposition. The Records Management Program and staff have the tools and training to help you to achieve this.

The Records Management Program will help you to:

  • Identify administrative records
  • Understand how records should be stored
  • Ascertain how long different types of records are retained
  • Know what to do after the records are no longer required

The Records Management Program was created by the University Record Manager in consultation with Dalhousie's Privacy Office, Legal Counsel Office, ITS, and departments and faculties across campus. It also takes into account ARMA International's General Record Keeping Principles, relevant ISO standards (example 15489), and OCAP: The Path to First Nation information Governances

The university-wide Records Management program is under the leadership of the Vice-Provost Planning & Analytics, the Associate Vice-President Academic, and the Dean of Libraries.

For more information about Records Management at Dalhousie, contact:

Dal Records Management Office

Courtney Bayne
University Records Manager

Guy LeLievre
Records Management Services Assistant

Michael Vandenburg
Dean of Libraries