Institutions borrowing from Dalhousie (ILL)
Lending Dalhousie material to other libraries, institutions and businesses
*NEW* Please note: Payment of Document Delivery Invoices can now be made by cheque or credit card ONLINE
Requests from other libraries for material held at any Dalhousie Library (NSHD, NSHDM, NSHDL, NSHT, NSTA) are to be sent to the Dalhousie Document Delivery Department at the Killam Library (NSHD).
Dalhousie patrons please go to the Document Delivery page for individual requests.
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Submitting requests
The Dalhousie Document Delivery Service is a member of the Council of Atlantic University Libraries Document Delivery Group (CAUL-DDG).
- Instructions for other libraries on how to submit requests
- Pre-registration is required. Please contact Document Delivery staff.
- CAUL Document Delivery Web Form
- Machine readable requests are preferred (i.e. Docline, Relais, VDX, Amicus).
- Email, fax and mail requests are accepted. Libraries using these methods to request regularly from Dalhousie Document Delivery will be asked to use the CAUL web forms. Login information will be provided.
- Urgent telephone requests are accepted.
Dalhousie library codes
- Killam Memorial Library: NSHD
- MacRae Library: NSTA
- Sexton Design & Technology Library: NSHT
- Sir James Dunn Law Library: NSHDL
- W.K. Kellogg Health Sciences Library: NSHDM
- Docline: NSCDLH
Lending policies
Exceptions to these standard policies may be possible on a case by case basis - please enquire.
- Will lend for 3 weeks use. No renewals.
- Reference, films, rare/Special Collections materials, and sound recordings are non-circulating.
- Microforms loaned at the discretion of the library; no photocopy service.
- Non-circulating only
- No charge: CAUL/CBUA, ACMC, CARL, OCUL, COPPUL, BCI, OONL and all non-profit Atlantic libraries
- $8.00 per item: Other Canadian libraries
- $35.00 per item (3.5 IFLA): American and international libraries
- $5.00 per article: All non-profit Atlantic libraries
- $3.00 per article: Atlantic Region Health Libraries (using Docline)
- $8.00 per article: Other Canadian libraries
- $15.00 per article (1.5 IFLA): American and international libraries
Urgent service
- No charge: CAUL/CBUA and OONL
- $10.00 surcharge: All other Canadian libraries
- $20.00 surcharge: American and international libraries
Replacement charges - invoices
- In print: cost of material + $20.00
- Out of print: $0.10 per page
- Invoices are sent semi-annually (January & July). VISA and Mastercard are accepted.
- IFM (Internationa OCLC libraries)
- IFLA vouchers accepted (Non-Canadian libraries)
Contact us
Document Delivery - Dal 11760
Killam Library
Dalhousie University
6225 University Avenue
P.O. Box 15000
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3H 4R2
Fax: (902) 494-3576
Phone: (902) 494-3612 (for urgent same-day requests only)