Distance Services

Distance services for students, faculty or staff working remotely

Distance library services are available to Dalhousie students, faculty and staff working off-campus for extended periods of time.


Dalhousie Libraries offer distance services to:

  • Distance Students, registered in a Dalhousie Distance course or program
  • Faculty teaching at a distance
  • Students assigned to remote work placements
  • Graduate students completing theses or dissertations at a distance.

Registering for Distance Services

DalCards, NetIDs, CAAL Cards: How to get set up to receive distance services from Dalhousie libraries.

Requesting the delivery of materials

Guide to requesting the delivery of materials, returning library materials, loan times and fees.
Video: Document Delivery for Distance Services

Library assistance and online resources

The Dalhousie libraries provide many ways for distance students to do online research or receive assistance from our librarians.