Faculty Papers

About our faculty papers

The work of Dalhousie faculty forms an important part of the University’s institutional memory, and their papers chronicle its teaching, service and research missions. Curriculum materials, research files, correspondence and administrative records document not only the development of the University, but the progression of scholarly activity across a wide range of disciplines.

Published research

Baker, Betsy. "Uncommon Heritage: Elisabeth Mann Borgese, Pacem in Maribus, the International Ocean Institute and Preparations for UNCLOS III." Ocean yearbook 26.1 (2012): 11-34

Cahill, Barry. “The Higher Educator as 'Intellocrat”: The Odyssey of Carleton Stanley.” Historical Studies in Education 14.1 (March 2002): 67-91.

Langley, G. Ross. Medical Education and Health Research Innovator: Chester Bryant Stewart (1910-1999), MD, OC.  Journal of the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society 14 (2011): 22-53.

MacCara, Mary E. Dispensing Knowledge: One Hundred Years of the College of Pharmacy, 1911–2011. Tantallon, NS: Glen Margaret, 2012.

Naftel, William. Halifax at War: Searchlights, Squadrons, and Submarines, 1939-1945. Halifax: Formac, 2008.

Pils, Holger and Karolina Kühn.  Elisabeth Mann Borgese und das Drama der Meere. Hamburg: Mare, 2012.

Waite, P.B. Lives of Dalhousie, Volume I: 1818–1925, Lord Dalhousie's College. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1994.

—. Lives of Dalhousie, Volume II: 1925–1980, The Old College Transformed. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1997.