Learning Commons & Other Library Spaces

Killam Library Question Slips & Touchstone Tours 2019 Report


Killam Library Question Slips & Touchstone Tours 2019 Highlighted Findings and Recommendations (PDF)

Table of Recommendations

Killam Library Question Slips & Touchstone Tours 2019 Report Status
If an opportunity arises to free up the space currently occupied by stacks, then consider designating this as collaborative space, given the need for group space and the lack of natural light.  
Add silent study space signage to the cubicles in the Second Floor Learning Commons. Awareness of the policy was very low compared to other silent areas.  
Accompany new visitors to meeting room 2902 to avoid disrupting the quiet in the Second Floor Reading Room.  
Pilot laptop stations – ergonomic workspaces with large work surface, multiple outlets and screens to plug into – in various locations in the library. Monitor use and increase with demand. This was tentatively suggested in the Observation Study Report and is now a firm recommendation.  
Pilot larger individual tables in individual use areas. Monitor use and increase with demand.  
Pilot adjustable standing desks in individual use areas. Monitor use and increase with demand.  
Pilot adjustable desks and chairs (both desk and chair adjustable) in various locations in the library. Monitor use, gather feedback, and increase if demand and feedback support.  
To help users find the right spaces to work in and alternatives, design a “directory” that allows users to select the level of quiet they need, and the type of work they want to do (collaborative/communal or individual) with results indicating which areas support their needs. This can be on our website and as a feature of the Directory in the lobby. (This recommendation also appeared in the Observation Study Report.) This directory should be introduced to first-year students at the beginning of the academic year, before space-use habits are formed. Student feedback on space names should be gathered beforehand. For example, touchstone tour student-guides didn’t seem to use or recognize the term, “stacks”.  
DWLC - No form of “quiet” can be expected on the First Floor. This is the building entrance, foot traffic is abundant in all areas, there are book trucks and garbage carts, library and food services, and along with all this, a “social” feel. Users of the DWLC report “convenient”, shorter visits, and non-adherence to current “quiet conversation” rules. Collaborative and communal work should be welcomed in this space with a refreshed quiet policy (e.g., “working quiet”) (or no policy) and additional group tables to support it. Removing the quiet designation of the DWLC and promoting the Second Floor LC as the silent LC (see below) was tentatively suggested in the Observation Study Report and is now strongly recommended based on this study’s data. Conversation level of DWLC revised to "collaborative" workspace.
Second Floor LC (and the Reading Room) - Promote as the silent place to work. Rename to make the purpose of the space clear. Drop “Reading Room” as very little reading is done here (15% of respondents) and simply name the entire area as one space: Silent Learning Commons (add “McNab” if we are beholden). (Touchstone tour guides didn’t know the name of the space and two different guides called it the “sectionized room”.) “Silent” signage should include a reference to the Shh text service.  
Second Floor Atrium Hallway - Re-designate this area as “working quiet”, or similar, to support collaborative/communal work. Add group tables to the Second Floor Atrium Hallway, where possible, and/or place individual tables together to make it clear that collaborative/communal work is encouraged in this space.  
Third, Fourth, and Fifth Floor Atrium Hallways – Allow these to naturally be quieter as you go up. Limit group-sized tables on the Fourth and Fifth floors. Current “quiet conversation” policies should remain in place with signage referencing the Shh text service. The Fifth Floor should revert back to a single “quiet conversation” policy for all hours.  
A&SC Reading Room - Promote as a quiet study space. Place welcoming signage near the entry making it clear that all quiet users are welcome. (This recommendation also appeared in the Observation Study.) Monitor this room for the best capacity to maintain the quiet and retain this number of seats. Consider renaming to reflect the activity in the room.  
Downie Wenjack Learning Commons – Improve seating. Commenters requested better, more comfortable chairs, with a few mentioning the preference for wheels and a few noting the presence of older, stained chairs. Older chairs have been removed.
Music Collection – Improve access to outlets.  
Second Floor Reading Room – Improve access to outlets. Table dividers/privacy screens can help discourage collaborative work and keep the space quiet. Investigate the possibility of providing a water fountain/hot & cold water in the space.    
Second Floor Learning Commons – Monitor the need for more computers. Better enforcement of quiet policy. Check Macs for need of repair/replacement.  
A&SC Reading Room – Improve access to outlets. Touchstone tour student-guides commented that this room was too strict regarding bringing a drink in and therefore limiting their use of it. Solutions to this issue should be brainstormed.  
Investigate solutions for the heaviness of doors in the building.  
Increase the number of accessible washrooms and renovate the old washrooms. Include these in the building renewal plans.  
Loan additional items such as headphones and laptop locks.  
Generally improve accessibility of outlets throughout the building. Provide charging stations. (Touchstone tour student-guides provided some insight by mentioning that they often have more than one thing to plug in at a time, and that outlets in the atrium hallways are not “reliable”.)  
Respondents also requested we clean the atrium glass.  


Sexton Faculty Interviews 2019 Report


Sexton Faculty Interviews 2019 Full Report (PDF)

Table of recommendations

Sexton Library Faculty Interviews 2019 Report Status
Using the list of assignment-related software programs provided by participants, check current on-campus availability and consider installing opensource/Dal-licensed softwareon Sexton Library computers.  
Promote the improved AV lending services through the Sexton AV Office.    
Evaluate existing Arduino Kits, update as needed and re-deploy to Sexton.    
Determine a reasonable method for making VR equipment accessible to patrons.   
Provide additional desktop computers in new Sexton Library space (high-performance) and ensure the space provides suitable locations for laptop use (ergonomically appropriate seating, outlets).   
Review current laptop loan data to determine sufficient inventory to support demand. Assessment underway April 2023.
Track usage statistics of evening and weekend Brightspace Support to demonstrate that continued funding is warranted to continue providing the service during these hours.  
Ensure that Sexton Library navigators are well-versed in software provided on library computers.   
Investigate the potential for providing VR facilities in a new Sexton Library space.  
Retain the list of potential future assignment-related technology needs as evidence builds to support acquisition.    
Re-assess the need for lecture capture rooms. Have faculty adjusted and found good setups at home or is there still a need?  
Using the list of specialized technologies provided by participants, check current on-campus availability, consider adding relevant open-source options for identified needs to Learning Commons desktop images, and conduct further needs-assessment as warranted.  
Consider ways to better promote software that has already been acquired, to ensure faculty members are aware of the full range of resources available to them and their students.  
Retain the list of potential future technology needs to support teaching and scholarship as evidence builds to support acquisition.    
Conduct further consultation to determine requirements around AI.  
Ensure new/redesigned spaces are comfortable for work (wide desks, ergonomic seating). New task chairs were purchased for student study desks in fall of 2022; new stand-up desk purchased and more on the way. Additional task chairs and soft seating for student space in the Library are on Sexton's EFA list for 2023/2024.
Provide adequate group study space. The north end of the Mezzanine level is now devoted to group study. New/redesigned library space tbd.
Ensure new/redesigned spaces have individual quiet study areas. The south end of the Mezzanine level is devoted to individual study. New/redesigned library space tbd.
Design new library spaces that appeal to faculty (as the Central Library does) (i.e., open spaces, coffee shop, conducive to meeting with students and colleagues).  
Investigate other hardware loan requests.  

Killam Library Observation 2018 Report


Killam Observation 2018 Full Report (PDF)

Table of Recommendations

Recommendations (Unaddressed 2021) - Killam Observation 2018 Report Status
Determine the usage of public-use terminals (the stand-up and sit-down terminals throughout the building that do not require a log-in) and remove as necessary, replacing with appropriate study space.  
Increase garbage removal on weekends, if funding allows.  
Lighting issues are common throughout the building. This may be resolved by the lighting renewal project through Sustainability. In addition, a more aggressive schedule to fix burnt out lights should be developed. HVAC and lighting refit scheduled 2023-2026.
Install directional displays for the building, based on desired tasks (e.g., “for silent study, proceed to the 2nd floor reading room or the 5th floor Special Collections Reading Room.) (The current touch-screen directory could be re-imagined for this purpose.)  
Consider dedicating the First Floor to transitional work like printing and social group work, while amplifying the strengths of the Second Floor LC  as a silent study space. Either enforce quiet study or redefine the space to allow conversation Conversation level of DWLC revised to "collaborative" workspace.
Assess the use of the reference collection and weed or move the collection depending on the results of the study. Reference collection weeded and moved to make room for the Ko'jua Okuam.
Remove half the listening stations in the Music Collection and monitor use again.  
Remind staff of the “silent” rule in this room (as they are going to/from meeting room 2902 and the staff lounge). Meeting room 2902 no longer in use.
Promote availability of the fifth floor Reading Room via signage, messaging, and improved visibility.  
Remind occupants of classroom 2622 and Fifth Floor office spaces to close doors when work noise is likely to spill into the hallways

Kellogg Library & Kellogg Library Learning Commons 2017 Report


Kellogg Library & Kellogg Library Learning Commons 2017 Full Report (PDF)

Table of Recommendations

Recommendations – KLLC 2017 Report


Review group study room policies and procedures across the Dalhousie Libraries Learning Commons

In process

Devise a method to distinguish library from non-library space to eliminate user confusion with room booking options

Initial signage in place and to be revisited 2023-2024.

Address ongoing light sensor issues and investigate options for light dimming and brightness control

✔ The CHEB is a LEED-certified building, therefore this is a feature the library cannot control.

Investigate issues around length of computer login time with ATS staff

Partially resolved.

Replace some computer tables with individual study carrels

Will reconsider number of computers in summer 2018.

Review the number of Macs vs PCs and review the number of computers overall before renewal of the next lease period

Will review the ratio of Macs to PCs in summer 2018.

Recommendations – Kellogg Library 2017 Report


Review opening hours

✔ Opening hours remain the same but the After Hours Card Access Service has been implemented for students in the health fields.

Add art to the walls to address the “clinical feel”

Address staff noise issues

✔ The noise issues in the early days of opening have settled down.


Wallace McCain Learning Commons 2017 Report


Wallace McCain Learning Commons 2017 Report

Table of Recommendations

Recommendations - WMLC 2017 Report Status
The automatic lighting was one of the top complaints for the study rooms. Adjust light sensors for longer wait times or remove.  
One source of dissatisfaction was the whiteboard supplies. Consider modifying current practices to help with control and usage of whiteboard supplies. This might include placing marker and erasers on study room walls using magnets, or maintaining inventory control of the supplies by allocating them to specific study rooms.  
Many respondents observed that people tend to book rooms and then fail to show up. Policies and procedures for booking rooms in the WMLC should be reviewed.  
Quiet room - The main issue in this room is still the furniture. More ergonomic desks and chairs to allow work would be appreciated.  
There were several comments about the noise of the quiet room door. An investigation into the problem and potential solutions should be undertaken.  
The noise from study room #8 is still an issue. Revisit the soundproofing problem for a potential solution.  
Signs labeling the quiet room as a quiet zone should be placed.  
General LC space - Furniture was the largest complaint by a wide margin. More ergonomic desks and chairs to facilitate work should be investigated.  
Additional chairs should be added to the computer spaces, to facilitate small groups collaborating on a single computer.  
Keyboards should be checked and cleaned.  
Extended hours were flagged as desirable by students. Look into the possibility of longer hours perhaps even just around exam time.  
Work on reducing the wait times for logging in to computers.  
Give a 15 minute warning before close to ease the transition and wrap up work as well.  
Put in signs to identify 'vacant' or 'in use' for the bathrooms.  
Consider adding 'quiet conversation' signs on tables.  
A special note should be made of complaints about people using the computer spaces to work with their laptops - this might be a further symptom of the need for more ergonomic work furniture.  
Monitor cleanliness as there were a number of comments regarding all rooms about garbage, smell, or state of the tables. This was emphasized in relation to the washrooms.  
Temperature was also flagged as something to be monitored, since the rooms were often recorded as being too cold. Staff has also experienced cold in the WMLC. We recommend adding a heat curtain to the street-facing WMLC entrance.