Assessment Priorities

Assessment Priorities 2023-25

1. Build a culture of assessment

    Stage 1: Usage Data
    Stage 2: Service Quality Assessment/User-based Assessment
    Stage 3 (or as needed): Impact/Outcomes-based Assessment (Demonstrating Library Value)

    To further support the above:
     a.  Follow-ups for outstanding recommendations (revisit and prioritize list)
     b.  Inventory of library usage statistics, organization and reporting, and data retention   plans

2. Assessment of awareness and use of document delivery by distance students via usage statistics (Recommendation from Online Student Impact & Feedback Team 2017-18 Report)

3. UX-based assessment for the redesign of services, tools, and spaces as redesign projects are prioritized (e.g. Reference & Research Assistance - Strategic Plan 1.1.2) (Recommendation from Dal Libraries Survey 2019 Recommendations Report)

4. Further assessment of under-represented student groups’ needs and satisfaction based on 2019 survey results (Recommendation from Dal Libraries Survey 2019 Recommendations Report)

5. Feedback and needs-assessment of Indigenous students and faculty (Recommendation from Indigenous Student Input & Feedback Team 2019 Report)

6. Assessment to inform the development of the Library Instruction Strategy (Strategic Plan 1.1.1)

7. Impact assessment of library services, resources, and spaces (aka Demonstrating Library Value). (As required by Libraries/Dal admin.)

8. Assess Live Help usage by question-type to determine how best to staff the service (Dal only)

9. Conduct a Dal Libraries Survey in winter 2024 to support many of the assessment priorities and to capture changes from the last survey in 2019.

10. User-behaviour/usability/UX-based assessment of the new Libraries’ website along with search, access and other online functions, tools and services related to scholarly processes (including Reference and Research Assistance) (Strategic Plan 1.1.2, 1.1.4, 1.3.6, 1.4.1 & 3.1.2)

11. Assessment to support Collections/Information Resources development (Strategic Plan 1.2.1 & 3.1.2)

12. Assess use of Killam print collection to determine if stack space could be better utilized as collaborative study space (Recommendation from Killam Library Question Slips & Touchstone Tours 2019 Report and Strategic Plan 1.3.2)

13. Needs assessment to expand supports for learning and teaching technologies (Strategic Plan 1.1.3)

14. Space assessments to ensure we are meeting students’ changing academic and technological needs and to support the development of a Dal Libraries Master Space Plan (This includes a MacRae post-occupancy assessment.) (Strategic Plan 1.3.2 & 1.3.4)