Office of the Dean of Libraries

Welcome to Dalhousie Libraries

a headshot of Michael Vandenburg, Dean of LibrariesAs a cornerstone of the Dalhousie community, our libraries are a place where the spirit of generosity and welcome thrives. Whether you’re a new student discovering the campus for the first time, a returning student reclaiming your favorite study spot, or a faculty member engaged in research, our libraries offer a supportive and enriching environment.

Our dedicated team is passionate about helping you succeed, providing access to extensive collections, inviting study spaces, and a range of services designed to meet your academic needs. As you explore our libraries in Halifax and Truro, you’ll find a vibrant community of learners and scholars.

We invite you to make Dalhousie Libraries your second home on campus—a place where you can connect, collaborate, and thrive. Welcome, and we look forward to supporting you on your academic journey.

-Michael Vandenburg,
Dean of Libraires

Office of the Dean

The Office of the Dean of Libraries is located on the main floor of the Killam Memorial Library.

Office of the Dean of Libraries
Killam Memorial Library
Dalhousie University
6225 University Avenue,
PO Box 15000
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
B3H 4R2

Contact Us
Phone: 902-494-3601

Fax: 902-494-2062


Libraries Senior Leadership

Dean of Libraries & Acting Associate Dean Archives, Special Collections and Records Management - Michael Vandenburg

902-494-3601 |

Areas of Responsibility

  • Reporting to the Provost and Vice-President Academic, serves as the senior academic and administrative leader for the Dalhousie Libraries, collaborating with a team of more than 120 staff to provide leadership for the development and implementation of strategic priorities, plans and policies for the university’s five libraries, two learning commons, and their extensive collections and services.
  • As a member of Dalhousie’s senior academic and administrative leadership and serving on Deans’ Council, Senate, and several Senate sub-committees, contributes to the fulfillment of Dalhousie’s mission and to the management of the University, working to promote excellence in scholarship, research, and service.
  • Oversees library operations, promoting excellence in scholarship, research, and service, advocating on behalf of the Libraries, and actively building relationships internally and externally with the diverse communities served by the Dalhousie Libraries system.
  • Provides vision and leadership in the management of media and information sources and services to support learning, teaching, research and community service through a variety of ways and continually evolving network spaces;

Associate Dean Resources & Head of Sexton Library - Allie Fulford

902-494-3255 |

Areas of Responsibility

  • Oversees the libraries’ acquisitions budget and works closely with colleagues across the Dal Libraries who select, acquire, and provide access to scholarly resources in a variety of formats.
  • Administers the provision of library resources and services to faculty and students in the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Architecture & Planning.

Associate Dean Library Services & Head of MacRae Library - Elaine MacInnis

On leave.

  • Acting AD Library Services - Mark Lewis
  • Acting Head of MacRae Library - Erin MacPherson

Associate Dean Teaching & Learning, Chief Law Librarian - Mark Lewis

902-494-8870 |

Areas of Responsibility

  • Administers the provision of teaching, library resources, and services to faculty and learners in the Faculty of Law.
  • Works with libraries’ staff who provide instruction and information literacy to support faculty and students.
  • Learning and Teaching Team works to coordinate existing efforts and to develop new programs, policies and best practices in library instruction and information literacy in the libraries and on the libraries’ web based platforms.
  • Teaches Legal Research and Writing and Advanced Legal Research and Writing.
  • Acting Services: Coordinates with staff in the Dal Libraries in the areas of advanced reference services, service points, reference and research tools, document delivery, GIS, data and copyright.

Acting Associate Dean Research, Head of W. K. Kellogg Health Sciences Library & Acting Head, Killam Library - Michael Vandenburg

Areas of Responsibility

  • Leads the Research team including Research Data Management and Open Initiatives including infrastructure and initiatives such as open access support through consultation, our institutional repository and publishing agreements, open education resources.
  • Administers the provision of teaching, library resources, and services to faculty and learners in the Faculties of Dentistry, Health, and Medicine in Halifax, Saint John, and throughout the Maritimes.
  • Administers the provision of teaching, library resources, and services to faculty and learners in the Faculties of Arts and Social Science, Computer Science, Management, and Science.


Director, Academic Technology Services (ATS) – Marc Comeau

Areas of Responsibility

  • Oversees the delivery and support of Academic IT solutions for Dalhousie.
  • Works with Library leadership, central IT leadership and ATS team to deliver services that meet the needs of our community in a secure, integrated manner with other major systems at Dalhousie.
  • Areas of responsibility include instructional technologies, classroom technologies, library IT, help desk, learning commons technology, and library staff IT needs.

Director, Human Resources & Access Services - Sandra Dwyer

902-222-3588 |

Areas of Responsibility

  • Provides a comprehensive HR service for the Dalhousie Libraries which includes the provision of operational and strategic direction for human resource planning, recruitment, and development for all employees within the Dalhousie Libraries.
  • Manages operational human resources issues, including development and communication of policies, providing support and advice to recruitment or selection committees and supervisors, performance management processes, and job-related employee coaching and counseling services as well as staff training and development and succession planning.
  • Oversees Access Services

Manager, Finance & Physical Resources - Hershan Fernando

902-229-4904 |

Areas of Responsibility

  • Oversees the budget, managing financial resources and ensuring cost-effective operations to support the library's mission of providing accessible information and services to the community.
  • Manages the maintenance, acquisition, and efficient use of facilities, equipment, and materials to create a welcoming and functional environment for library users and staff.

Manager, Community Engagement, Web Content & Communications – Kristy Read

902-483-7405 |

Areas of Responsibility

  • Part of the libraries’ administrative team; manages library communications, public relations, and marketing activities.
  • Oversees the governance and development of Libraries’ internal and external digital media, including the libraries’ website and social media.
  • Manages stakeholder engagement, advancement activities, literary events, and Dal's community reading program.