Support the Libraries


Dal Libraries play a crucial role in the academic life and ground-breaking research of our university. By supporting our library, you help provide students, researchers, and faculty with the resources they need to excel and make groundbreaking discoveries.

Your donation, no matter the size, makes a difference. It strengthens our library’s ability to support academic excellence, research innovation, and community engagement.

Together, we can empower students, faculty, and researchers to explore new ideas, advance knowledge, and make meaningful contributions to society.

Ways to Give

Monetary Donations
We appreciate the generosity of our community and welcome monetary donations. Individual, corporate, and foundation funding enables Dal Libraries to more fully serve the needs of all users.  

Collection Donations
Donations of archival, rare and unique materials, as well as other gifts-in-kind, enrich and enhance our collections and support the instructional and research programs of the university. Please read our gift guidelines for more information