Authorizing Records for Disposition

All records must be reviewed by the appropriate signing authority to ensure that records are not required for one of the following reasons:

  • They are subject to an audit, either underway or pending
  • They are subject to legal discovery in a legal matter, either underway or anticipated
  • They are subject to a pending or ongoing investigation or review
  • They pertain to an open application for access to records made under the FOIPOP Act
  • They document financial obligations that have not been completed
  • They document contractual obligations that have not expired or been fulfilled
  • They have operational requirements for retention that have changed since approval of the records schedule

If a reason is identified why records should not be sent for disposition a Records Hold Form should be completed and retained by the faculty or department. Records on hold should be reviewed on an annual basis and form updated accordingly.

When all records inventoried are authorized for disposition complete a Disposition Authorization Form and attach the corresponding Records Inventory List - Boxes for physical records (electronic records dispositioning coming soon) and submit them to the Records Management Program via email at See Submission of Records Disposition Documentation.