
Records are records regardless of format (see Glossary for the definition of a record). The goal is to identify the format considered to be the unit’s master record, this could be analogue, electronic, or another format type.  Typically, the master is the record received in its original format. If the format has been changed (e.g., a paper copy is digitized), documentation must be created to indicate that the new format is a true representation of the original and is being managed accordingly.

Ideally, a complete record is held in a single format. When a record’s contents is held in more than one format the contents need to be cross-referenced to ensure that the complete record can be accessed across its locations. All record formats need to be identified on the Records Inventory List and Records Disposition Authorization form. For analogue records (those that are not in electronic format) see Records Inventory list – Boxes (electronic listing procedures coming soon). 

All formats that a record takes should be dispositioned at the same time. All content deemed a record, as identified under DalCLASS, will be listed according to the listing procedures and dispositioned in accordance with the assigned DalCLASS schedule and disposition procedures.

Analogue (Non-Electronic) Record Transfers

If you have analogue administrative records ready for transfer to the Archives, complete Records inventory List – Boxes and a Records Disposition Authorization Form

Various analogue formats records are captured in. Here is a list of examples:

  • paper
  • photograph
  • 35mm film
  • floppy disc
  • DVD, CD, Blue Ray disc
  • Cassette tape, VHS tape, Beta tape,
  • a map

Note: this is not an extensive list. If you have questions contact the University Records Manager.