Using the Reading Room

The Archives and Special Collections Reading Room is open to all during regular hours. Before viewing records and other materials, you must provide your name, contact information, and photo ID.

Historical records are unique and often fragile. These rules outline your responsibilities as a researcher to help us preserve the holdings of the Dalhousie University Archives and Special Collections.

Terms of Use for Archives and Special Collections Reading Room

  1. Staff will inform users of safe care and handling procedures and other rules. Users are expected to follow all rules and procedures.
  2. Food and drink are prohibited in the Archives and Special Collections Reading Room.
  3. The Reading Room is a silent study area. Staff will direct users to other locations for group study or quiet conversation.
  4. Users must silence mobile devices and leave the Reading Room to place or receive calls.
  5. Use pencils for note taking. Ink and felt-tip pens are prohibited.
  6. Users may access up to two boxes of archival material at a time to minimize the chance of misplacing or intermingling documents. Staff have discretion to determine the volume of archival material made available at any given time.
  7. Use of a digital camera (no flash) in the Reading Room is permitted. Staff can provide advice on taking photographs of archival and special collections items.
  8. Report to staff any accident or damage to non-circulating archival material and special collections items.

Handling Archival Records

  1. Handle archival material as gently and as little as possible. Staff may supply and request users to wear cotton gloves, but in most cases, gloves are not required.
  2. Do not remove documents from file folders. Align archival material within the file folder before returning the folder to its box.  Maintain the original order of documents within each folder and box.
  3. Do not write on, fold, crease, or dog-ear any archival material.
  4. Place books, scrapbooks, photograph albums, and other bound material flat on the worktable. Book weights, cradles, and bookmarks are available at the Information Desk.
  5. Do not lean on archival material or place books, papers, or other objects on top of material.
  6. Certain types of archival records, including rolled items, technical drawings, and glass plate negatives, have special handling needs. Reading Room staff will offer guidance to researchers handling these records.
  7. If you have a question, ask staff to come to your table; do not bring documents to the Information Desk.

We are happy to answer any questions about handling archival material.

Dalhousie Libraries reserves the right to cancel user privileges should any violation of the above rules take place.